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TEAM PICS supports the 2012 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk!
Rochester, N.Y.-9,000 people showed up to support and raise money for breast cancer in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk on Sunday morning.
Click here for more information on the success of the event.
Team PICS had a good showing of family and friends that helped support the walk. PICS was able to raise over $2900 in support of the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer by holding various raffles, baking sales, auctions, and dress down days over the past month! Special thanks goes to Beata Beam for once again coordinating and organizing the events here at PICS Telecom. This was the 6th year that PICS has participated in this event breaking the $20,000 mark in donations; good enough to be within the top 25% of companies that participate each year! Thank you to all that attended and supported.