
Wireless Equipment for Sale
ADTRAN TA5000 Optics
Up to 90% Cost Savings over OEM | Extensive Testing | Lifetime Warranty

3rd party optics for Adtran TA5000
Experiencing lead time issues with OEM Optics?
Concerned about the quality & performance of 3rd Party vs OEM Optics?
Looking to reduce your CAPEX?
In my experience, quality & performance are the biggest factor when thinking about buying a 3rd party optic. In addition to that, lead time and pricing are major considerations. Not only do we offer an exceptional product, but pricing on new vs our optics offer substantial savings to reduce your CAPEX.
Our sister company, Sandstone Technologies, can code on-site and in-house 1G, 10G, & Bidi Adtran SFP+& XFP’s.
- We have the correct Bytes on the EPROM to help enable the optic to talk to the switch.
- We comply with all SONET & ethernet compatibilities.
- All optics are coded and tested prior to shipment.
- All optics come with our Lifetime Warranty.
- Our highly qualified in-house engineers are available for any questions you may have regarding our process or product.
- Customer Testimonials on product are available.
- We can provide samples for testing.